Things have been very busy around the assembly floor of Mullaly Industrial Heavy Illustration Arts Manufacturing Concern Ltd, LLC, Pty, BMOC, ICUP lately! First a month and a half of late nights working on magazine spreads, book covers, educational posters, character disigns and more! Then lots of August and early September fun activity outside the studio. The result?...
A lack of posting! So I thought I'd throw everything into the Waring Art-O-Matic Pulverizor 3000 and blend up a tasty smoothie of Glen art previews of a bit of that recent work. More info on these as they as they are released!
Born with a pencil in his hand (after
four unsuccessful attempts doctors
managed to transplant it to just above
his right ear) Canadian Glen Mullaly
draws neato pictures for kids of all
ages from the swanky west coast
studio that he shares with his
awesomely-understanding wife and
their spectacularly indifferent cat.
Find out more at