Monday, December 17, 2007

One Thumb Up!

Mr. Muscle Mug gives the thumbs up to my new batch o' pics posted at the photo sharing site Flickr. So mosey on down and say hi!


dano said...

I just picked this up today...what is it?

Glen Mullaly said...

According to a response I got about it on Flickr: "you are correct in guessing it is a pharma premium = it is indeed the character for muscle for a campaign for Eli Lilly from about 5 years ago - also included in the group were stomach, liver, kidney, bladder, pancreas and I think their may have been 7 in all. At one time I had the full set of the soft beanie version of them all... now I'll just be racking my brain to think of which drug they were for... darn it all! If I come across any of my old Lilly stuff (I'm a former employee) and it tells me I'll be sure to share the info."

dano said...

well thanks for the is just the craziest looking mug. I will keep an eye out for the others.
THANKS and love the site!